Wednesday 9 December 2009

I'll peak in my late sixties

Saw my friend Sam Lee last night, who taught us some great Wassail songs.

Sam's a great folk singer.

"Singers peak in their late sixties," he said. "Something about the muscles. And the attitude."


I've got a couple of small performances coming up this week. I'm performing Opportunity on Thursday night, and I'm singing for my uncle on Sunday. He's very ill and he's talking straight, wasting no time. He thinks I'm crazy for not devoting my life to singing, he tells me. I mentioned this to Sam. Well, I rather agree, he said. "You've got a big quota of song-givingness that you haven't really used yet."

I like this. I find it encouraging. That is motivating.

But what people don't see is the invisible hive of activity that is happening! Learning! Practicing! Exploring! Discovering! Re-imagining! Playing! Got to start. Performance tomorrow. Voice a wreck.

But I'll peak in my late sixties! I can sing forever! And relax!

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